Round 2


21 April 2024

1st Dave Snelson (488 Spider)
2nd Rob Samuels (458 Speciale)
3rd John Kennedy (California T)
report by Chris Leach & Rob Samuels
photography by Chris Leach

The second round for 2024 took to Curborough for our first sprint of the season. The championship welcomed the return of 11 competitors with a fresh entry from newcomer Stuart McCabe who we hope will enjoy a successful first campaign with his California T and 328. The day ran smoothly although a timing glitch would provide no official time for Dave Snelson’s second practice.

With improving conditions from a chilly morning to a “mildly-warm” start, it was only a matter of time before times began to tumble. By the first practice run it was clear a new club record was to be set by Dave Snelson with his 488 Spider – congratulations Dave!

John Kennedy was as ever very fast across the finish line (providing plenty of entertainment under braking once finishing). A very strong performance however from Rob Samuels with his 458 Speciale would get the better of John by just 0.47 secs to snatch 2nd place in class.

Brian Jackson brought along a fabulous Portofino in place of the trusty 328, putting in an impressive display of control throughout the day. For it’s first use at Curborough the big car moves well!

Fresh from a clutch rebuild Pauline Goodwin failed to meet her target start off the line but took second place on PEP, nipping at the heels of Dave Snelson with a very consistent drive.

Richard Preece returns to the championship with a new motor for 2024 – a rather lovely F430 – mirroring Chris Hitchman in spec but not quite on the day regarding times. Watch this space as Richard will be fast to improve as he becomes accustomed to the new car.

The Hitchman’s were in full force with a trio of well prepared F430, with Rain getting the better of newcomer Stuart McCabe on PEP.

Tony Attwood would find the limits to his tyres far earlier than he would like with his Dino 246 GT, however despite ageing rubber put in a very respectable performance for the oldest tipo in the championship.

The results speak for themselves, however to provide a fresh perspective on the day, competitor Rob Samuels writes:

After signing up mid-season to the Hill Climb Championship in 2023, Curburough would be the first track that I would return to and so I was more confident than usual! That said I took my first practice run quite steady 73.73, just to familiarize myself with the track and see what had changed since I’d last driven it some eight months prior.

Thereafter I started to push harder during each session, 66.71, 65.54 and by early afternoon the track temperature had risen nicely and I achieved 65.19 as my final run.

Overall, I was really pleased with the times but as ever you leave the track thinking of where you could improve and I already have a few ideas for the next visit to Curburough. I can’t wait to return!    

Congratulations to all in attendance for making for a very enjoyable day at Curborough. A selection of photos are shown here with more available on Flickr.

The next round takes place at Harewood, where the Club will celebrate the 500th round of the championship.

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